Sunday 15 April 2012

Evaluation -

Studio Sessions -
In the studio sessions we took pictures of ourselves and other class mates after looking at a photographers technique and trying to it mimic it. I chose David Bailey as my first photographer  i researched and looked into his work and found that black and white pictures made up the majority of his work. I used Baileys technique I think i did this well, my photos were very similar to his, originally my photos were in colour i used the software Lightroom to change the colour to black and white. I also found when researching Bailey that his subjects do not smile so i tried my best to position myself as i thought David would. Another thing is Bailey usually takes his pictures at close range so i cropped my photo.

For this photo i got Michael to be the subject and we took a series of pictures, i chose this picture 
as an example of the finished work. At first the pictures were raw and unedited some were too dark and we decided to work with this and the picture was edited to bring out the red but also keep it dark.

I collected Nadvas Kanders work during the studio sessions i used one of the photos i took that i thought matched Kanders work. The technique that Kander uses is very unique and this picture was similar to his so i thought it would be a good choice. When choosing this photo for comparison i looked at my positioning as Kanders subjects often look like they have been caught mid thought, my photo also had this effect.

I enjoyed the studio session because of the photo-shoots I enjoyed the atmosphere but also learning about how to work the lights

We used the canon 5D and the Bowens grid defuser to effect the outcome portrait pictures, using different amounts of lighting and using different angles really changed the picture.In the session experimenting with different ways of taking a portrait picture, positioning the subject at an angle helps give the picture a professional effect.  We also lit the subject from behind, this was to reduce the shadow creating a less harsh effect. 
In the lesson we also learned to position the lights at certain distances as this greatly effects the outcome of the image. Along with the he grid defuser we used timers to make sure the light flashed at the right time. The background was cheap blinds used for the photoshoot they worked well as a background.
I enjoyed this session because it helped me understand where to aim the camera how far back to stand and different techniques to use to get what your looking for.

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